
Hiya! Wanna keep on with me? Know what I am doing? Or just have some questions and are looking for an answer? Well, this could be where you find it, here with me! This is my blog, a collection of my random and explosive– you get the idea. 😉

If anyone has some ideas of what they’d like to see me go over then feel free to put it down. I wanna give you all a chance to look into this fucked up head of mine and maybe bring us so~ much closer!

XD I don’t really even know. But it is really along those lines, you all get to know me more and some of what you may say might inspire me for write something and dedicate it to you or credit you for the inspiration. So, yeah. The goal here is just to let you all get to know me a bit more and give you some insight into my writing and what not. I hope you enjoy~!