Need Some Time

Well,  as plain and boring as this will sound keep in mind I am a poor boy and have no wifi.  So doing a decent job of keeping this updated is an EXTREME challenge for me.  I will try to do better…  Even if I all is going to be done off of a phone.  Not a preferred style of doing things but somethings just start slow,  right?


Well,  I guess that will be us too here.  I know there is probably no one reading this yet and someday thereby be…  But hat will be time and patience.

I do have some work day just post here before anywhere else and are what happens.


Take care everyone and see you next time.

Looking for some SOLID inspiration.

I know I am not some BIG author or anything amazing; but dreaming big and starting small means a lot to starting things like this. I say this because I am looking into making a book soon about one of my original stories. I am not sure what one I should do and I need something solid to help me finish it. I am just scattered; my imagination all over the place like the blood of a horror movie victim. I’ve got my music giving me a spark of inspiration but that is all it is. There one moment and out of reach the next like a strike of lightning; vivid, breath-taking but fleeting. I need something solid. Even if I was just to do some poetry… as warped as most my works are… I just need something solid, constant, and moldable. Well; aside from all that I just wanted to also inform you all that yes I am looking to self-publish a book in a year or two depending on when I have the money and if I have something finished by then. Most likely I will start with poetry and see where it goes from there. If anyone has ideas, suggestions, ect.. let me know by leaving a comment. Thank you all.

Madness and genius is only separated by blurred lines.

Hello~, Tis’ BleedingInsanity!

I hope you have looked me up on Wattpad before coming here so you know the purpose of this. I mainly wanted to throw this up as a prompt station, discussion/request board, and just a place to chat. From the looks of this I should be able to keep you all updated easier about my on-goings and ideas that I have. So, please feel free to chat and feed me ideas here.