Dark Hunter

IMPORTANT! Before you continue to read this poem please remember this is a dark genre poem. Thus gore, death, and other graphic content can be read if you progress. Please, if you are sensitive to this kind of content please move on to another poem. For those whom are fine with graphic content or violence -please- continue and enjoy. Also, if you really enjoy please like, comment, and follow me on other social medias for more content like this in the future.


Dark Hunter

Written 2016

By BleedingInsanity

*AN; please read left to right.*

Heart beating                            Life fleeting

Flesh tearing                             Eating

We are eating.                           Our teeth are carving-

Into you – savoring                 The blood, bone

Organs and –                              Beating…

It’s still beating.                       Your heart is fleeting.

While we are eating.                Eating you, prey.

This dark dreary day                We couldn’t let you lie

We couldn’t let you by             Today you had to die.

Die for us, we must survive   To consume is why we strive

For power: for teeth                 To eat the flesh,

To break you apart                    To tear out your heart.

We eat you alive;                        To make dead what was alive.

We are not evil –                         Just a starving devil.

Sent from Hell to consume      Our stomachs is your tomb.

Our essence beckons doom-   Our essence beckons death.

It pulses through our blood.     Our breath is death,

We are the Reaper.                       You are the lamb-

We are the slaughter.                  You are the damned,

Death tolls to our laughter;       We are the slaughter.

Tear your flesh like leather        Silly rabbit in the heather.

We’ll tear your flesh like leather               And eat your bones.

Tear you bit by bit                         From the flesh to the grit

We eat it all, all of you-             You the fool, you the dead.

The Dark Hunter calls!               You are the bread.

The Dark Hour Falls!                   You are the wine.

The Dark Gods Command!        The Earth will be mine!

The Dark Army Ascend!              The people must eat!

The Dark Hunter Strikes!            We must eat!

The Dark Forces Clash!                The hearts still beat…

The Dark Hunter Rises!                Heart still beating…

The Dark Hunter Stands!             Still needs, still eating…

The Dark Hunter Hungers!          The masses are screaming!

The Dark Hounds Join!                  The Hunter is dreaming…

Dreaming of bloody bodies!         Dreaming of full bellies…

Dreaming of breaking bones!      Dreaming of lonely ones…

Dreaming of eating them!             Dreaming of eating you.

We eat it all, all of you-               You the fool, you the dead.

Tear you to bit by bit                     From the flesh to the grit

We’ll tear your flesh like leather           And eat your bones.

Tear your flesh like leather          Silly rabbit in the heather.

Death comes to our laughter;     We slaughter.

We are the slaughter.                     You are the damned,

We are the Reaper.                          You are the lamb-

It pulses through our blood.          Our breath is death,

Our essence beckons doom-         Our essence beckons death.

Sent from Hell to consume            Our stomachs is your tomb.

We are evil –                          A starving devil.

We eat you alive;                 To make dead what was alive.

To break you apart              To tear out your heart.

The power of our teeth       Why we eat the flesh,

So die for us, we must survive           To consume is how we strive.

We won’t let you by                       Today you have to die.

This dark dreary day                     We won’t let you lie

When we are eating.                     Eating you, prey.

It will still be beating.                Your heart still beating.

Beating…                                    Eating organs and – 

Bone, blood like wine              Savoring    

We are eating.                       Our teeth are carving you

Flesh tearing                          Eating

Heart beating                        Life fleeting

We are the Dark Hunter, Dark Hounds who need no slumber.

We are the eaters of man, our paws hit the earth like thunder.

We are to eat; to eat man, Hounds from the dark lands.

The world at our wake, is a world where no man stands.

The Dark Hounds are out, The Dark Hunter is seeking.

The Dark Hunter is hungry.

Craves the flesh.                      Not just any flesh

Your flesh                                   The Dark Hunter is Coming!

He comes for you                      He dreams of tearing you in two

And eating your flesh to the grit              To tear you bit by bit.

His essence, his breath           He is doom, he is death.

You are the lamb                       His stomach is your tomb

His evil laughter                        Brings upon the slaughter

Death shall not falter              To follow this Reaper

He is hungry                               Hungry for the flesh

Hungry for hearts                     Hearts still beating

Beating, fleeting                      Hearts of the dying.

Heart beating                            Life fleeting

Flesh tearing                             Eating

We are the Dark Hunter,      Dark Hounds who need no slumber.

We are the eaters of man,    Our paws hit the earth like thunder.

We are to eat; to eat man,    Hounds from the dark lands.

The world at our wake,         Is a world where no man stands.

We eat you alive;                    To make dead what was alive.

We are evil –                             A starving devil.

     Sent from Hell to consume                                                         

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